(310) 433 3770 411@solarforward.com

Outages More Likely with Climate Change

With more energy breakdowns in our future, now is the time to consider a battery backup system or a new SMA inverter with an emergency backup circuit.  Solar Forward is the most experienced installer of reliable grid interactive power systems in Southern...

Put Out the Fire. Go Solar.

After reading this riveting first hand account of the Doce fire in Arizona, it’s impossible to deny Mother Nature is a strong force to be reckoned with. The Southwest is the hottest on a planet that is measurably hotter.  We are extracting an endless supply of...

Truly Sunny Day for California

Last Friday June 7th was an even sunnier day than usual across the state of California. That’s because solar electric systems provided 5% of the power consumed in California! This is an all time high, with more than double the solar power generated since last...

More SunPower Than Ever Before

Deserts may look barren to the untrained eye, yet as California’s Antelope Valley proves, they’re a fertile breeding ground for solar. Last Friday, Mark and Andrew took a trip out to what will be the world’s largest solar power plant. Known as the...

Think Fossil Fuels are a Necessary Evil? Think Again.

When it comes to our energy future, we need to change the debate. Clean power is readily accessible but is there the political will to make it a priority? Or will old school oil barons continue to secure fossil fuels now in order to have them in the future? A...

The Solar Forward Roller is Portable, Silent and Fragrance-free!

Anyone who has ever used a gas generator knows three things: they are loud, run out of fuel and smell bad.  Often they don’t work when you need them most! Solar Forward was generating 1,800 Watts all day with this portable and clean SunPower solar system.  Even...