by admin | Jul 12, 2013 | battery back-up, clean energy, climate, climate change, coal, conservation, custom, custom project, electricity, energy, global warming, green, Green energy, grid, heat wave, hottest summer, New York Times, news, NY Times, photovoltaic, power, power outage, record temperature, renewable energy, Solar, solar electric, solar energy, solar forward, solar panel installer, solar panels, sustainability, sustainable, trusted solar company, utilities, utility
With more energy breakdowns in our future, now is the time to consider a battery backup system or a new SMA inverter with an emergency backup circuit. Solar Forward is the most experienced installer of reliable grid interactive power systems in Southern...
by admin | Jul 1, 2013 | California Friendly, conservation, green, heat wave, hottest summer, LADWP, landscaping, LOS ANGELES, news, rebate increase, rebates, record temperature, save money, sustainability, sustainable, utilities, utility, water
If this past weekend was any indication, we’re in for a scorcher of a summer. This means potable water will be an extremely precious resource and LADWP is incentivizing customers to conserve water through appropriate landscaping. LADWP is increasing the cash...
by admin | Jun 24, 2013 | 25-year warranty, battery back-up, clean energy, climate, custom, custom project, electricity, energy, Environment California, green, Green energy, inverter, LADWP, local business, LOS ANGELES, los angeles solar, power, power outage, PV, renewable energy, roof, santa monica, save money, SCE, Solar, solar energy, solar forward, solar incentive, Solar Los Angeles, solar panel, Solar Santa Monica, sun, SunPower, sustainability, sustainable, trusted solar company, Uncategorized, utilities, utility, warranty
Yesterday we installed a state of the art SMA TL inverter with Emergency Backup power! This allows for appliances to be used even when the power is out. All you have to do is flip the switch below the inverter during a power outage and you’re free to use your...
by admin | Apr 13, 2012 | monopoly, Solar, solar lease, solar panel, sun, utilities, utility
Back in 1880 a new company called AT&T grew out of the work of Alexander Graham Bell. For almost 100 years it maintained a monopoly over telephonic communication lines until the federal government used antitrust laws to break up AT&T. Technology matured and...
by admin | Mar 17, 2012 | grid, NEM, net energy metering, power, shop local, Solar, solar lease, solar panel, sun, utility
Shop Local… for Energy You have heard the term “buy local”, but we’re not talking about vegetables this time.Like locally grown carrots, solar energy produced by your neighbor is far more efficient when you cut out the economic and environmental costs of...
by admin | Nov 26, 2011 | Solar, solar electric, solar forward, solar lease, solar panels, utility
Utilities melt in the Sun, just like, vampires. Imagine a new TV show: Those who walk during the day gathering energy from the sun and those who are willing to live forever with policies that keep solar energy in the dark. A Vampire, by definition, “subsists by...