The LADWP solar program has deteriorated into chaos.
New applications into LADWP for solar are experiencing over two month delays! Solar contractors and homeowners are being held captive by the utility. Until given the go ahead by LADWP, we are unable to move forward on pending projects.
In the peak summer months, LADWP has effectively shut down the solar industry by dismissing their entire solar inspector staff. And this isn’t the first time.
All trained and experienced solar inspectors have been replaced by a new group of “union” employees with no background in solar energy.
The delays are mounting. During the sunniest months of the year, when demand for electricity is greatest and we’re asked to flex our power, we have solar systems switched off!
Calls, emails, more calls. It is nearly impossible to reach anyone at LADWP to air grievances and find solutions.
What can be done by the City Council and the Mayor’s office to create oversight for LADWP?
The people of Los Angeles want renewable energy. Sadly, LADWP has repeatedly made it impossible, and is still wasting taxpayer money at every turn.