With top notch electrical vehicles out on the market, the term gas guzzler might become a thing of the past.
Consumer Reports just rated the Tesla Model S with the highest score ever, 99 out of 100. Electrical vehicles are overtaking conventional vehicles in terms of power, handling, aesthetics, and ergonomics.
But don’t rush to the auto dealership just yet. While our grid may be cleaner than most, it’s still comprised of over 40% coal and natural gas, i.e. nonrenewable fossil fuels.
By combining a solar system with an electric vehicle, you can drive completely on clean, free energy from the sun. If you already have a solar system, you can add an additional 2 – 3 kW of solar (depending on your driving habits) to cover the energy needed to power your car!
Keep a lookout at your local Ford dealership for the Ford/SunPower partnership, allowing you to acquire a 2.5 kilowatt rooftop system in conjunction with an electric Ford Focus.